# Fun Architecture/fun news

2012 프리츠커 건축상 :: The Pritzker Architecture Prize

Mr.fundamental 2012. 2. 28. 13:57


Architect and Professor Wang Shu was born in 1963 in Urumqi, a city in Xinjiang, the western most province of China. He received his first degree in architecture in 1985 and his Masters degree in 1988, both from the Nan Nanjing Institute of Technology.

Wang Shu and his wife, Lu Wenyu, founded Amateur Architecture Studio in 1997 in Hangzhou, China. The office name references the approach an amateur builder takes—one based on spontaneity, craft skills and cultural traditions. Wang Shu spent a number of years working on building sites to learn traditional skills. The firm utilizes his knowledge of everyday techniques to adapt and transform materials for contemporary projects. This unique combination of traditional understanding, experimental building tactics and intensive research defines the basis for the studio’s architectural projects.

The studio takes a critical view of the architecture profession’s part in the demolition and destruction of large urban areas. At the 2006 Venice Architecture Biennale, Amateur Architecture Studio expressed views of on-going demolitions in “Tiled Garden,” an installation made from 66,000 recycled tiles salvaged from demolition sites. Rather than looking toward the West for inspiration, as many of Shu’s contemporaries do, his work is rooted in the context of Chinese history and culture.

Wang Shu has often explained in lectures and interviews that “to me architecture is spontaneous for the simple reason that architecture is a matter of everyday life. When I say that I build a ‘house’ instead of a ‘building’, I am thinking of something that is closer to life, everyday life. When I named my studio ‘Amateur Architecture’, it was to emphasize the spontaneous and experimental aspects of my work, as opposed to being ‘official and monumental’."

Wang Shu is Professor and Head of the Architecture School at China Academy of Art, Hangzhou. In 2011, he became the first Chinese Kenzo Tange Visiting Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

He has exhibited individually and participated in several major international exhibitions including: the 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale at which he received a special mention for the “Decay of a Dome” installation – a project whose light, mobile and utterly simple structure can be speedily constructed or returned to nothingness; the 2009 “Architecture as a Resistance” solo exhibition at the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels; the 2007 Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture; the 2003 <em>“Alors, La Chine?”</em> exhibit at the Centre Pompidou, Paris; the 2002 Shanghai Biennale at the Shanghai Art Museum; the 2001 “TU MU-Young Architecture of China” exhibit at AEDES Gallery, Berlin; and the 1999 Chinese Young Architects’ Experimental Works Exhibition, UIA Congress, Beijing.

In 2011, Wang Shu received the Gold Medal of Architecture (grande médaille d’or) from the l'Académie d'Architecture of France. In 2010, Wang Shu and Lu Wenyu were awarded the Schelling Architecture Prize, which goes to individuals who have responsibly advanced architecture's development with significant designs, realized buildings or with profound contributions to architectural history and theory. The Vertical Courtyard Apartment, in Hangzhou was nominated for the 2008, German-based International Highrise Award. In 2005, the project “Five Scattered Houses” in Ningbo received an acknowledgement from the Asia Pacific Holcim Awards for sustainable construction, and in 2003, the Wenzheng Library received the Architecture Art Award of China.

Wang Shu/Amateur Architecture Studio is known for the following built works: Library of Wenzheng College, Suzhou University, China (2000); Ningbo Contemporary Art Museum, Ningbo, China, (2005); Five Scattered Houses, Ningbo, China (2005); Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art (Phase I) Hangzhou, China (2004); Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art (Phase II) Hangzhou, China (2007); Ceramic House, Jinhua, China (2006); Vertical Courtyard Apartments, Hangzhou, China (2007); Ningbo History Museum, Ningbo, China (2008); and, Exhibition Hall of the Imperial Street of Southern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou, China (2009).

2012 Laureate Media Kit and Photo Booklet
Wang Shu of The People’s Republic of China Is the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate
2012 프리츠커상 중국 건축가 왕슈



작품사진 :: www.pritzkerprize.com




건축가 프리츠커상 수상자들의 작품과 말

건축계의 노벨상, 프리츠커상 수상자들의 모든 것을 생생하게 담아내다!
프리츠커상 수상자들의 작품과 말『건축가』. 이 책은 1979년의 제1회 수상자에서부터 2010년도 수상자에 이르기까지 32회에 걸친 35명의 프리츠커상 수상자들의 말과 글, 그리고 작품들을 정리한 책이다. 2010년 수상자 세지마 가즈요와 니시자와 류에부터 1979년 제1회 수상자 필립 존슨에 이르기까지, 인터뷰, 강연, 단행본과 잡지에 수록된 글 등 다양한 소스를 바탕으로 구성하여 프리츠커상 수상자들의 모든 면모를 엿볼 수 있다. 각 챕터는 건축가들의 말을 인용하는 것을 시작으로, 출생지와 학력 등 간략한 프로필을 수록하였으며, 대략 4~6개의 주요 건축작품들을 보여준다. 700컷 이상의 사진과 드로잉 등을 이용하여 수상자들이 설계한 대표적인 건축물들을 망라함으로써 독자들이 건축가들의 사상과 학문적 배경뿐만 아니라 작품들을 전체적으로 조망할 수 있도록 하였다.
서론 : 루스 펠터슨, 그레이스 옹-얀

2010 세지마 가즈요 + 니시자와 류에
2009 페터 춤토르
2008 장 누벨
2007 리처드 로저스
2006 파울루 멘데스 다 호샤
2005 톰 메인
2004 자하 하디드
2003 요른 웃손
2002 글렌 머컷
2001 자크 에르조그 & 피에르 드 뫼롱
2000 렘 콜하스
1999 노먼 포스터
1998 렌조 피아노
1997 스베레 펜
1996 라파엘 모네오
1995 안도 다다오
1994 크리스티앙 드 포르장파르크
1993 마키 후미히코
1992 알바루 시자
1991 로버트 벤투리
1990 알도 로시
1989 프랭크 O. 게리
1988 고든 번섀프트
1988 오스카르 니에메예르
1987 단게 겐조
1986 고트프리트 뵘
1985 한스 홀라인
1984 리처드 마이어
1983 I. M. 페이
1982 케빈 로치
1981 제임스 스털링
1980 루이스 바라간
1979 필립 존슨

인명 목록
역자 후기, 한국어판 교정-편집자 후기
감사의 글