Stunning Triangular Skyscraper
architects Herzog & de Meuron.
Recently Herzog & de Meuron revealed Le Project Triangle, an incredible structure that will rise 200 meters from the Porte de Versailles in Paris. The stunning skyscraper will feature a profile so slim that it casts virtually no shadow, and its orientation will be optimized to take advantage of both solar and wind power. Paris’ new pyramid will be the first high-rise to be approved for construction is the city’s center since 1977, thanks to the recent lifting of a 31-year-old ban established by the previous Mayor of paris, Jacques Chirac.
Herzog & de Meuron are famous architects from Switzerland responsible for many well-know projects, like the Portsmouth Soccer Stadium in England, Beijing’s Birdnest Stadium, and the de Young Museum in San Francisco. Their latest project is expected to restore flow to it’s environs by reconnecting the rue de Vaugirard and avenue Ernest Renan at the site of the building.
This first of many high-rise buildings currently being planned for Paris, Projet Triangle will incorporate shops and restaurants at the ground level in addition to offices, a conference center and a 400 room hotel. Upon completion in 2014, the project will be the third tallest structure in the inner city after the Eiffel Tower and Tour Montparnasse. The pyramid’s construction may be a point of contention for many Parisians, as polls have found that 62% do not favor high rises within the city, however Herzon & de Meuron are confident that their new project will integrate into the Parisian landscape perfectly:
“The Triangle is conceived as a piece of the city that could be pivoted and positioned vertically. It is carved by a network of vertical and horizontal traffic flows of variable capacities and speeds. Like the boulevards, streets and more intimate passages of a city, these traffic flows carve the construction into islets of varying shapes and sizes. This evocation of the urban fabric of Paris, at once classic and coherent in its entirety and varied and intriguing in its details, is encountered in the façade of the Triangle. Like that of a classical building, this one features two levels of interpretation: an easily recognizable overall form and a fine, crystalline silhouette of its façade which allows it to be perceived variously.”
We’re hoping that it will compete against the Generali Tower in La Defense for the best sustainably-designed high-rise in Paris
헤르조그 & 드뮤론이 1977년 이후 파리 도심에 처음 추진한 첫 번째 고층 타워 계획안을 발표했다. 파리시는 지난 7월도심의 주택난을 해결하고 도시 경제에 새로운 활력을 불어넣기 위해 자크 시라크 프랑스 전 대통령이 파리 시장 부임 당시 건물 높이를 37m 이하로 제한했던 금지령을 해제하고 20개의 고층 건물 디자인을 연이어 추진하고 있다. 이 계획안은 높이 200m의 피라미드 형상이며, 크리와 속도가 다양한 교통 네트워크의 수평.수직적 흐름을 건물 안으로 유입시켜 다양한 입체감을 형성하고 있다. 거대한 건물 자체가 도시 조직의 일부로 인식되도록 의도하는 것이다. 디자인의 중요한 변수로 작용하는 교통 흐름은 도시 가로가 교차하면서 블록을 형성하는 것과 같은 방식으로 건물안에 다양한 형태와 크기의 공간을 만들어 낸다. 그러나 2014년 완공을 목표로 하는 이 계획안은 공개 이후 파리 시민들의 반대에 부딪히고 있다.
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