During the process of urbanization in China, the CBD, or Central Business District, has been the buzz word which has attracted the most attention. As the CBD expands, so has the urban GFA, resulting in a centralized work place, better working efficiency and increased economic investment and return. However, at the same time, the new development has brought congestion, deterioration of environmental quality, and concern about public safety, among other issues. Urban environment has been severely impacted and the effort on improving it has met a bottleneck, resulting in a compromise of city’s competitiveness.
If the hype and trendy areas of the CBD are the yang in the yin-yang dialectics of urban development, then the once-flourishing, but now destitute urban industrial zones are the yin. How to make use of the existing resources and physicality of old industrial zones, in order to improve urban spatial quality, and at the same time lower development risks, is the challenge we face today. Rehabilitation of old industrial zones will on one hand dilute the over-centralized population, putting chaotic urban sprawl under control, and on the other hand attract investment, encourage new creative industries, and provide employment. Successfully rehabilitated industrial zones will improve the image of the city, attract tourists, provide stage for large cultural events, and therefore stimulate an urban renaissance. From the preservation point-of-view, the prosperity-depression cycle of the old industrial zones spans the lives of several generations. The physicality of the industrial zones is imprinted on the city conveying the technological history of humanity. The preservation of such sites will be beneficial to the integrity of historic memories. Successful cases of such transformation include Ruhr in Germany, Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, and Navy Pier in Chicago.
Shougang Group
The Shougang Group is located within Shijingshan District in western Beijing. First founded in 1919, it became the largest steel producer in China during the economic reform era, producing the record-high 7.93 million tons in 2005. Out of consideration for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the overall environment of the city, the Shougang Group gradually moved its production to Caofeidian in Hebei Province and a few other locations. The site left behind expands more than 8 square kilometers, including steel furnace, lakes, large parcels of greenery, and huge factory structures to the south.
Situated at the western end of the Chang’an Avenue, the Shougang Group site mirrors the CBD located at the East Third Ring Road, echoing its development and presence in the West. After the development of Zhong-Fu Block, the latter will be facing the “CBD syndrome” of over-crowding and traffic congestion. The Shougang Group site, however, is in a very different situation. Its vast area and empty buildings are rarely visited by anyone. This forgotten industrial park forms a complete industrial landscape with its high-rising furnaces, factories, intertwining pipes, bodies of water, and green areas.
As a pilot program for the Shougang Group, Er-Tong, or the General Mechanical Factory of the Shougang Group, has gone through a conceptual design for the Chinese Animation and Gaming Town. Er-Tong is located in the Fengtai District. The north boundary of the factory is Hujiacun Road, and the south boundary Meishikou Road. On the east it neighbors Xiaotun Road, and on the West is Zhangyicun Road. The total site is 83 hectares, and the existing buildings have a GFA of 300,000 sqm. About seven hundred and eighty families reside here. Although the production ended in 1997, the existing buildings have large-span spaces that offer high potential for reuse. Er-Tong is surrounded by a green-belt. The regional environment and transportation system is yet to be improved. Er-Tong can be the first phase, and lessons gained from it can be applied to the redevelopment of Shougang Group in the future. (For details on Er-Tong, please see the AIM website.)
Green Transformation
Green Transformation is to make use of the land resource, spatial quality and other conditions of the old industrial zones, and transform the previous heavy industrial production to new industries with low-pollution and low-energy consumption, especially cultural creative industry that includes design, multi-media, cultural events hosting, commercial and F&B amenities, etc. The transformation should emphasize the diversity of its former industrial spirit, making it an integral part of urban development. Brownfield rehabilitation should be given prioritized attention. Pragmatic and risk-evasive strategy should be adopted in order to achieve a symbiosis among existing resource, new investment, the people, and the greater urban fabric of the city.
The second year of the AIM Competition invites you to implement Green Transformation to the Shougang Group, the yin of dialectics of Beijing’s urban development. It shall be different from the CBD in eastern Beijing, but play an equally as significant role in making Beijing a healthy, balanced, and attractive city. It shall become a “Central Recreation District”, differentiated from the Central Business District. Due to the vast area of the Shougang Group site, this year’s focus will be on the redevelopment of Er-Tong. Because green transformation spans the multidisciplinary layers of architecture, landscape and urban design, this year’s AIM competition will recognize five different awards for outstanding performance in the following areas:
1.The Best Planning Award
From the master planning level,the design will showthe advantage of Er-Tong as the prominent
site in relationwith Shougang general development.
2.The Best Architecture Design Award
Show the most innovative concept for individual architectural space, considering the practicality and
environment friendly issues.
3.The Best Exterior Space Design Award
Show the specific attention to exterior space, landscape and environmental art.
4.The Best Sustainable Design Award
Show the application of new sustainable technology, such as new materials,
new energy solution and construction.
5.The Best Programming Award
Encourage the collaboration between architects and economists to think about the
industrial ecology strategy for Er-Tong under the general city industry structure.